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Saved by Christine Bauer-Ramazani
on March 20, 2009 at 6:11:22 pm


TESOL 2009 Colloquium

Invited Session


Celebrating 25 years of CALL: Forging new pathways


 Date:  Thursday, March 26, 2009 

Time: 1:00-2:35 (Denver time - 19:00-21:35 GMT)

 Location: Technology Showcase Room (adjacent to the EV)


The Elluminate Room at http://tinyurl.com/y3eh has been booked for this time period

See: http://my.calendars.net/eslhome_conferen/.  All are welcome to attend.  (This is assuming

                                                                                                                            we are provided with an unfiltered Internet connection in Denver.)


Reception: 3:00-4:00 (Technology Showcase Room)

Open Celebration Hours for the 25th Anniversary: EV -- 2:30-4:30



As the CALL-IS celebrates the 25th Anniversary of its founding, former CALL-IS chairs and experts in CALL reflect on historical and current developments in theory, research, and practice.  Having witnessed the changes over the years, they will highlight major achievements, paths that have been forged, and intriguing future directions.



TOPICS and times:


Time frame
(95 min. total)
Presenters & topics
1:00 - 1:05 Introductions & Protocol: Sandy Wagner, Chair, CALL-IS / Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Organizer/Incoming Chair, CALL-IS

1:05 - 1:35

5 min. Q&A

 1.       Roger Kenner,  Vance Stevens, and Deborah Healey: the beginnings of CALL and the CALL-IS—from vision to reality and beyond (flyer with various photos of old EV computers - DH)


The presenters for this segment are focusing on paradigm shift.

1:40 - 1:50
5 min. Q&A
2.       Elizabeth Hanson-Smith: CALL research and theory from 1984 to 2009 - A Brief History of CALL

1:55 - 2:03

2 min. Q&A

3.       Claire Bradin Siskin: the evolution of language labs to language learning media centers

2:05 - 2:15

5 min. Q&A

4.       Phil Hubbard: a look at CALL teacher education through the years and into the future

2:20 - 2:30

5 min. Q&A

5.       Karen Price: CALL technology and classroom applications–uncharted mountains (or visions of the future)



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